Hollywood Lighting Workshop
March 15 & 16, 2025 At Hunt’s Photo & Video in Melrose, MA
special online presentation March 11, 7:00pm – 8:30pm– $25
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Join Bobbi Lane and Lee Varis to explore the world of Hollywood glamour, and learn the photographic style of George Hurrell. Bobbi & Lee will teach you how to achieve the look of the classic Hollywood glamour images of the 1930’s & 40’s using modern lighting tools and techniques.
George Hurrell rented Bobbi Lane’s studio for the last 10 years of his life, and this provided Bobbi with an unprecedented opportunity to learn from the master himself—today Bobbi is able to share this knowledge with the participants in a weekend intensive photography workshop…

Work with experience models to re-create the glamour photography of a bygone era! Participants have hands-on experience on the set with personal guidance from Bobbi & Lee to guarantee success…
Work with modern LED lights, instead of hot, clumsy, and heavy movie lights, to get the highly stylized look of classic Hollywood. Participants work with several models in different setups over the two shooting days, Saturday and Sunday.
Male and female models with period appropriate wardrobe help to re-create the look of the 30’s and 40’s. Bobbi & Lee teach and demonstrate the lighting fundamentals that are critical to achieving the dramatic look of the classic Hollywood glamour style…
Learn to control the light to craft the desired look, and see how this style can be applied to more contemporary imagery as well.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, participants will leave with a foundation of technical and artistic skills necessary to achieve the look of classic Hollywood glamour photography. Topics covered include:
- Basics of studio photo workflow
- Lighting theory and electronic flash basics
- Basic lighting setups
- Advanced lighting concepts
- Styling and posing for glamour

After shooting in the studio, Lee Varis will present various post processing techniques that can be used to turn anyone into a Hollywood glamour subject. Lightroom & Photoshop techniques include:
- Contrast control
- B&W conversions
- Skin enhancement
- Color effects
Learn how to polish your raw captures into classic works of art with simple to advanced techniques. Click-to-scroll right or left in the image to the right!
Click Here to Signup For Hands-on, Two-Day Workshop, March 15 & 16 for $600
Click Here to Signup for the online course on March 11, 7:00pm – 8:30pm for only $25
scroll down for more examples of Hurrell style Hollywood glamour photography from previous workshops